If you are interested in taking American Sign Language (ASL) at Bethel, here is more detailed information on requirements and placement. 

Who is the ASL placement test for?

If you plan to enroll in an ASL course at Bethel, and one of the following:

  • Have previously taken ASL in high school
  • Are a child of a Deaf parent who used ASL in the home
  • Are Deaf and grew up using it with Deaf peers, parents, and teachers in school

When and how do I sign up for the test?

The testing periods for ASL take place during the months of October and March prior to registration for the next semester and/or summer terms. Contact the languages and cultures department at languages-cultures@bethel.edu

What is on the ASL placement test?

A receptive portion tests your skills in understanding ASL, and an expressive portion asks you to sign common phrases or sentences representative of skill level covered in ASL101 & ASL102S. The test is 30 minutes long, and no preparation is required.

Why would I need to take the ASL placement test?

The placement test measures if your present level of skill is high enough to be placed in ASL102S or to demonstrate that you have met the language requirement altogether.

What else should I know about ASL at Bethel?

ASL classes fill up quickly (mostly with juniors and seniors) as enrollment is capped at 25 students. If you do not get in, you’ll be put on a waiting list. Both ASL courses are also offered consecutively during the summer terms, rarely with waiting lists.