Languages and Cultures
Language Requirement FAQ
Undergrad Majors & Programs Department of Languages and Cultures Language Placement Information
You may have already taken numerous courses in a particular language and are wondering if credits from those will count at Bethel. Or perhaps you’d like to continue taking a language but aren’t sure which class to register for. Maybe you’re interested in a brand new language you know nothing about! We can help you figure out which class is the best fit based on your proficiency.
Which languages are offered at Bethel University?
Bethel offers Spanish, American Sign Language (ASL), and Biblical Greek. These languages may be taken to meet the general education language requirement.How much language do I need to take to complete the language requirement?
You must reach a level called “Novice-high” on the rating scale of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). This level is usually reached at the end of two semesters of language study at the college level.
Does everyone have to take the placement test?
No, only if you have studied a year or more in high school of the language you wish to take at Bethel. If you didn’t take the language of choice in high school, you can register for SPA101 or ASL101.
Where do I take the placement test?
The Spanish placement test is taken online. The ASL placement test is taken by arrangement with a professor in that language.
What is the placement test like?
The Spanish test is multiple-choice and focuses mostly on grammar and reading. The ASL test is taken one-on-one with a professor.
How do I find out my results for the placement test?
Your course placement will be communicated to you via email, and you will be cleared to enroll in the appropriate class.
I already took the test—where do I find my results?
If you already took the placement test and do not remember your placement score, you may view your scores by visitng MyBethel.
- Open the Tools & Resources menu
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- Choose Login to Bethel University's Self-Service Banner System and follow this path: Student > Student Records > View Test Scores
Can I test out of the language requirement?
Yes, you may fulfill Bethel's language requirement by earning a satisfactory score on a language AP exam or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test.
I took two semesters of a foreign language through the PSEO program. Do I still need to take more language in order to fill the requirement?
If you received the equivalent of one year of college credit, you have fulfilled Bethel’s language requirement. If you were a PSEO student at Bethel, your language class will already be on your transcript. If you were a PSEO student at another college or university, be sure your transcripts are sent to Bethel.
What if I grew up speaking a second language in my home or in a foreign culture where I spent a lot of time while I was growing up?
Contact the language placement coordinator at We will request specific information from you to evaluate your level of language proficiency. If you are a native or heritage speaker, you may be eligible for up to eight language credits.
If I transfer in language credits from another college, do I still need to take more courses to fulfill the requirement?
If you have received credit for the second semester of language study at another college, you have fulfilled Bethel’s language requirement and do not need to take more courses for the requirement, although we do hope you continue your language study.
How do I know which language class and section I should take?
The number of years of language taken in high school and your score on the placement test will determine the best language class for you, you will be cleared to enroll in the appropriate class by the language placement coordinator. For January session and spring semester, you will work with your advisor to schedule your classes.
I took Spanish in high school but now I want to start another language. Is that a good idea?
It’s a great idea to start another language! Register for the 101 class in the new language.
What are the classes like?
We teach the classes in the language of study (target language) using a variety of activities. The focus of class time is on communicating with one another in the target language.
What if I have a hard time learning languages? Is there extra help available?
Yes! The Language Resource Center in the Department of Languages and Cultures is open in the evenings where advanced language students are available for tutoring or practicing conversational skills. Tutors can review assignments with you, clarify course concepts, and suggest effective study strategies. Professors can provide tutor schedules and sign-ups.