Academic Enrichment and Support Center
Study Skills Self-Assessment
If you answer “No” to two or more items in a section, click on the study skill category title and this will take you to additional study skill resources to build and hone your skills.
Focus/Motivation |
Yes |
No |
1. I know how to study in a way that keeps my attention. | ||
2. I find it hard to get started on a project. | ||
3. I get easily distracted and find it hard to break away from friends, extra-curriculars and/or social media to start or finish homework. | ||
4. I find it hard to stay on task when completing homework. | ||
5. I ask questions as I engage the homework or complete reading assignments. | ||
6. I have a long-term goal of what I’d like to do after college or an idea of the area I’d like to work in (e.g., major/vocation). | ||
Time Management/Procrastination |
Yes |
No |
1. I use a paper planner or digital calendar such as Google calendar to track assignments, tests, quizzes and projects? | ||
2. I use the AESC Semester at a Glance tool (pdf) to strategize how to handle busier times of the semester (e.g., midterms). | ||
3. Do you typically finish assignments and papers the day they are due or night before? | ||
4. Do you create a “to do” list for the current day or week? | ||
5. Do you find yourself putting projects/tasks off frequently? | ||
6. Do you find a balance between work, school and rest? | ||
Test-Taking |
Yes |
No |
1. I study several days in advance of tests and quizzes. | ||
2. I self-assess or give myself mock tests as I study (e.g., answer 200 practice multiple choice questions for a 50 m.c. test or write out essay questions in a timed format)? | ||
3. I am aware of basic test taking strategies for multiple choice questions. | ||
4. I complete all homework assignments. | ||
5. I can easily identify what I know and don’t know before an exam. | ||
6. I review returned exams to prepare for the next exam. | ||
Note-Taking |
Yes |
No |
1. If powerpoints or note outlines are available, I have either a paper or digital copy that I bring to class. | ||
2. I identify and write down main concepts and examples. | ||
3. I know what words to look for in listening to a lecture or a large group discussion. | ||
4. I take notes of other students’ group presentations. | ||
5. I use digital audio recording options with professor permission (e.g., hand held digital records, free downloadable apps or software such as Audacity). | ||
6. I check my notes against other students’ notes to make sure I didn’t miss any important details. | ||
Reading Skills |
Yes |
No |
1. I summarize the reading in your own words and take brief notes. | ||
2. I preview the target questions/objectives and review the summary questions at the end of the chapter if reading from a textbook. | ||
3. I break longer chapters into two to three manageable sessions. | ||
4. I engage and ask questions in response to the reading. | ||
5. I turn headings in a chapter into questions and look for the answer to those questions as I read. | ||
6. I use mapping to help remember content I’ve read. | ||
Managing Test Anxiety |
Yes |
No |
1. I experience intense anxiety or stress. | ||
2. I talk to myself in a supportive and calming way during an exam. | ||
3. I use finger relaxation or whole body relaxation strategies when anxious during exams. | ||
4. I forget previously studied material needed for an exam. | ||
5. I am anxious in other arenas of my life (e.g., relationships, work). | ||
6. I calm down as I get further into the exam. | ||
Study Strategies |
Yes |
No |
1. I study where it is quiet and has few distractions. | ||
2. I study for a length of time, then take a short break before returning to studying. | ||
3. I study at the best times of day when I’m most awake. | ||
4. I set doable study goals, such as the number of problems I will do or the pages read. | ||
5. I study at least two hours for every hour I am in class each week. | ||
6. I start studying with the most difficult subjects first. |