Academic Enrichment and Support Center
Writing Support for CAS
Schedule a Writing Center appointment now.
The CAS Writing Center provides free, friendly help with any of your writing assignments—at any stage of your writing process. Peer tutors will work with you in a 45-minute, one-on-one appointment to clarify your argument, organize your ideas, correctly document your research, or polish your grammar.
Writing Center visits are most effective when you:
- Bring a draft (or brainstorming notes). A printed draft is easiest to work with.
- Bring your assignment sheet, rubric, or any instructions your professor has given.
- Come prepared to work collaboratively and creatively with the tutor.
- Schedule an appointment a day or more before the paper’s deadline.
Multilingual Writing Support
Schedule a Writing Center appointment now.
One-on-one writing support is available for multilingual students. If English is not your home or first language and you would like additional support on a particular writing assignment or building your writing skills in general, specially trained tutors are available to meet with you.
Writing Studio for Multilingual Students (GES103/GES203) supports multilingual students in building writing skills and confidence. This one-credit course focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary for successful college-level academic research and writing in the U.S. Students can register through the first few weeks of each semester by contacting the Multilingual Academic Support Coordinator. (These courses are not offered in Fall 2023).
Advanced Writing Studio for Multilingual Students (GES355) is a one-credit Fall semester course that students can take in conjunction with a class that requires substantial writing and research, including a formal research paper that synthesizes information from a variety of properly documented sources. Students can register through the first few weeks of the Fall semester by contacting the Multilingual Academic Support Coordinator.
Writing & Research Resources
- APA Overview (pdf)
- APA Titles & Headings (pdf)
- Using APA Documentation in Word (YouTube)
- Chicago Overview (pdf)
- MLA Overview (pdf)
- MLA Titles, Numbers and Abbreviations (pdf)
- Plagiarism (pdf)
- SBL Overview (pdf)
- 10 Commandments of Citation (YouTube)
- Tips for Citing the Bible (pdf)
- Using Quotations (pdf)
- Citing Indirect Sources (YouTube)
- Making a Quotation Sandwich (YouTube)
- Using Purdue’s OWL for Documentation (YouTube)
Getting Started
- Argument and the Language of Logic (pdf)
- Choosing a Research Topic ( OWL)
- Crafting a Narrative (YouTube)
- Idea Mapping and Outlining (YouTube)
- Simplifying the Epic-Length Paper (YouTube)
- Roadmap to a Strong Thesis Statement (YouTube)
- Turning an Assignment into a First Draft (YouTube)
- Color-code, Count & Connect: Pruning Too Many Ideas (YouTube)
- Creating an Abstract (pdf)
- Constructing a Well-Organized Paragraph (YouTube)
- Graphic Organizer Argument (pdf)
- Graphic Organizer Critical Analysis (pdf)
- Graphic Organizer Narration (pdf)
- Graphic Organizer Problem Solution (pdf)
- Introductions & Conclusions (pdf)
- Organizing for Clear Focus (YouTube)
- Parallelism (pdf)
- Strategies for Organizing Your Paper (YouTube)
- Strong Conclusions: How to Save the Best for Last (YouTube)
- The Outline Sandwich (YouTube)
- Thesis Statements (pdf)
- Toward Analysis: Shifting a Research Paper Away from Mere Summary (YouTube)
- Transitions (pdf)
- Using Sources to Craft an Argument (YouTube)
Sentences & Grammar
- Avoiding Metadiscourse (pdf)
- Capitalization (pdf)
- Clarity (pdf)
- Colons & Dashes (pdf)
- Comma Splices & Fused Sentences (pdf)
- Comma Usage (pdf)
- Fluent and Effective Transitions (YouTube)
- Quick Strategies for Final Draft Polish (YouTube)
- Semicolons (pdf)
- Sentence Parallelism (pdf)
- Timelines for Tenses (pdf)
- Tips for the Final Read-Through (pdf)
- Variety in Sentence Structure (pdf)
- Using Quotations (pdf)
- Avoiding Passive Language (YouTube)
The Writing Center is located in the Academic Enrichment and Support Center (AESC) office at HC324.