International Programs
International Programs

At Bethel, we approach our programs and coursework from a global perspective. And so, international students bring an invaluable perspective to the classroom.
It’s our goal that all international students and third culture kids feel welcome and supported. Whether you have questions about paperwork or just want some advice, our team is here to help you get resources you need.
Applying to Bethel
Interested in Bethel? We have admissions counselors ready to answer your questions and help you through the admissions process.
Before You Arrive
We recognize there’s a lot you need to do get ready for your time in the U.S. Here are a few resources to help you prepare:
- Getting your visa
- Documents you’ll need
- Sign up for the Friendship Family Program
- Airport pick up
- Minnesota weather
As soon as you arrive, we want to welcome you to Bethel and help you get settled.
Living in the U.S.
Questions about health insurance? Want to find a job? Need to file your taxes? We’ve put together a few resources to help you get started: