Course Registration

How and when to register for classes depends on the school you're enrolled in at Bethel. Find your school for details on registering for classes or making changes to your registration.

Undergraduate Students

Get the full details about how to register for courses online and make any changes to your major, courses, or enrollment.

New Students: Contact your Admissions Counselor for registration next steps. 

Adult Undergraduate Students 

The Registrar's Office automatically registers new students in their first one or two terms of enrollment (one term only for those conditionally accepted). 

Students self-register for all subsequent terms, by following their individualized Academic Plan, created in consultation with their Student Success Advisor.

See simple instructions for how to self-register, view the registration open dates for future terms, and learn how to make changes in your current course registrations.

Graduate Students

The Registrar's Office automatically registers new students in their first one or two terms of enrollment (one term only for those conditionally accepted and certain programs). 

Students self-register for all subsequent terms, by following their individualized Academic Plan, created in consultation with their Student Success Advisor.

See simple instructions for how to self-register, view the registration open dates for future terms, and learn how to make changes in your current course registrations.

Seminary Students

The Registrar's Office automatically registers new students in their first one or two terms of enrollment (one term only for those conditionally accepted and certain programs). 

Students self-register for all subsequent terms, by following their individualized Academic Plan, created in consultation with their Student Success Advisor.

See simple instructions for how to self-register, view the registration open dates for future terms, and learn how to make changes in your current course registrations.