☰ In This Section

BSG special interest clubs and organizations provide students a place to express themselves through a variety of interests including by not limited to art, climbing, politics, gaming and more. You don't need to be affiliated with a particular department, major, or career to join. Want to get involved? Contact the club leader listed below the club description!

Art & Design

The Art & Design club is for any student at Bethel that wants to make art. One of our mottos is "come make bad art with us" because we want to take the pressure off having to make something beautiful and embrace the process rather than the destination. 

Student Leaders: Elle Pehrson, Molly Kraakevik, Bella HavemanEmily Costa

BETA Climbers Club

BETA Climbers Club aims to build community through rock climbing. Each month we provide opportunities to go climbing off-campus, and have a certain number of slots available each time. Reach out if you would like to join us!

Student Leaders: Ashlee Mortenson & Sophia Tienter

Catholic Students Association

We want to create a safe place for Bethel students to grow in faith and community by sharing the Catholic faith with one another. Anyone is welcome to join who is Catholic or is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith.

Student Leaders: Morgan Dean & Dylan Magistad

Creation Restoration Club

The Creation Restoration Club works to make Bethel more sustainable; honoring God's creation and helping Bethel's overall appearance to be more clean and green.

Student Leaders: Emma Thole, Lauren Groff & Jordan Smith

Disability Awareness Group

DAG’s mission is to work together to raise awareness of a variety of topics surrounding disability. We will strive to break commonly-held stereotypes and to create a community of inclusion and acceptance for all people.

Student Leaders: Maya Weber & Seema Bemboom

Esports Club

The Esports Club provides competitive opportunities for Bethel students who enjoy electronic sports competitions. Each year they host a variety of competitive tournaments such as SuperSmash Bros and Rocket League.

Student Leaders: George Cinader & Conner Bertram

International Justice Mission (IJM) Club

We are aimed towards bringing awareness on campus to the social injustices that are still present and affecting people across the street as well as around the world. This awareness will allow students who are passionate about justice to get connected with organizations that are either local (Source Ministries in Minneapolis, etc.) or global (IJM).

Student Leaders: Kaylee Schrock & Ava Mein

Model United Nations (Model UN)

Model United Nations (UN) works to bring together students who share an interest in international issues. Our goal is to build community and encourage academic growth through participation in discussions and yearly participation in a simulation of the United Nations.

Student Leaders: Alaina GeiszlerMaya Philips

Red Cross Club

The Red Cross Club seeks to provide the Bethel Student body with opportunities to make a meaningful impact by empowering students with knowledge and life-saving skills to help prepare Bethel's community to respond to emergencies. Outreach connections with the Red Cross, enables our volunteers to gain hands-on experience in disaster relief and teaching others lifesaving skills such as First Aid and CPR.

Student Leaders: Ben Ostlie & Jon Rosenthal 

Woven Lives

Woven Lives is a mentoring ministry for women. The Woven Lives program is designed to encourage and support female students through a mentoring relationship with a female staff or faculty member that begins mid-October and continues through April. Each mentoring relationship is typically developed through bi-monthly one-on-one meetings that each pair plans. Check out this club as an opportunity to be mentored or to serve as a mentor.

Student Leaders: Aase Lee & Madison Stackhouse


Want to start a new special interests club? Contact bsg-clubs-and-orgs@bethel.edu.