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Student Ministries Opportunities


The mission of Student Ministries is to provide a community for students focused on leading people into an engaged, authentic, and thriving relationship with Jesus Christ.

Student Ministries is the student voice concerning the spiritual atmosphere of our campus. They plan events and partner with various ministries on campus to provide opportunities for students to encounter God in new and profound ways. This department is centered on the good news of the Gospel, salvation, and forgiveness of sins to those who believe in Jesus Christ.


Student Ministries offers a variety of events throughout the year. Check the BSG Events calendar for upcoming dates.


Deeper features a panel of faculty, staff and students who are passionate about their faith and eager to share their experiences and the truth they have discovered in their lives. Come with your questions and a heart that is ready to learn!


Outreach events offer the opportunity to engage in both on-campus and off-campus ministry services.

Prayer Burn is an extended time to reflect, renew, and pray for the world around us in a personalized way. There is no set schedule for this event. Students may come for as long as they need over this four hour period to reconnect with the Lord in the midst of the busyness of everyday life.


Testify is an event focused on providing an authentic space to foster a culture of vulnerability, celebration, and encouragement on campus. There will be worship and two students will give their testimonies.


Contact the Executive Director of Student Ministries: bsg-student-ministries@bethel.edu