Stay on track to keep your financial aid and make steady progress toward your degree.

To continue receiving financial aid, you’ll need to make satisfactory academic progress toward your degree. Bethel follows federally regulated standards to ensure you stay on track, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Understanding satisfactory academic progress

Students receiving financial aid must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards, which include GPA requirements, credit completion rates, and maximum time frames for degree completion. These standards apply to all financial aid programs at Bethel.

View the full Satisfactory Academic Progress policy to see the academic requirements and learn how special circumstances—like withdrawing from a class or changing majors—could affect your aid.

Need help?

Connect with your support team! You’re never alone. Bethel offers personalized support through academic advising, tutoring, and skill-building resources to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.