If you live on campus each year, your rates will never go up. You are guaranteed this rate for four years as long as you remain continuously in campus housing (study abroad semester is an exception). 

Housing costs for 2023-2024 

  • First-year in housing—$3,150/semester
  • Second consecutive year in housing—$3,050/semester
  • Third consecutive year in housing—$2,995/semester
  • Fourth consecutive year in housing—$2,950/semester

Frozen housing rate is guaranteed for the next four years. If you spend a year living off campus and then sign up for Bethel housing, you'll be charged the new student rate. Study abroad is an exception.

Interested in summer housing? See the summer housing costs.

Interested in comparing costs of living on campus to living off campus? Click here.

Cancellation fees:

  • $150 cancellation fee if canceled before July 1 for the fall/full-year agreement.  
  • $300 cancellation fee if canceled on or after July 1 for the fall/full-year agreement. 
  • $150 cancellation fee if canceled for January session and/or any part of the spring semester portion of the agreement.

*NOTE to new students: The cancellation fee is waived for a new student that has never attended Bethel and cancels by May 1 of the contract year.