Royal Donut Drop


We love to see alumni carrying out Bethel's core valuesChrist-followers, character-builders, learners, truth-seekers, world-changers, reconcilers, and salt and lightin their workplaces. Whether you work for a large corporation, a small business, a non-profit, a school, a church, a hospital, etc. we want to thank you and your Bethel alumni colleagues with a sweet treat.

Workplaces who receive a Royal Donut Drop will receive a delivery of coffee, a dozen donuts, and some Bethel-branded gifts by members of Bethel University's Alumni Relations Team. To nominate your workplace for a Royal Donut Drop, email and include the name and location of your workplace and the names and grad years of the Bethel alumni working there.

Royal Donut Drop Guidelines

For a workplace to be eligible for the Royal Donut Drop, it must:

  • Be located in the United States.
  • Employ at least 3 Bethel University alumni.
  • Have a mission that does not conflict with Bethel University’s mission, vision, and core valuesaffirmation of faith; and Covenant for Life Together.
  • Participants agree that Bethel University has the right to use the name and likeness of Royal Donut Drop recipients for promotional and advertising purposes without compensation.