Bethel Library
Art and Creative Works
These collections show the creative work of the Bethel community through its undergraduate art and literary journal, the Coeval, and its permanent art collection.
Search Bethel's art and creative work

Coeval undergraduate literary and art magazine
The Coeval is Bethel University's undergraduate literary and art magazine published since 1962.

Bethel permanent art collection
The Bethel University art department maintains its permanent collection on campus in order to allow the Bethel community to live intimately with a variety of artworks placed in hallways, libraries, and offices.
George C. Poundstone collection
The digital collection of the prominent pictorialist photographer, George C. Poundstone (b.1870- d.1938) includes his photographs, writings, journals, films and negatives. Bethel University is fortunate to house this archive as it is the largest existing collection of the artist works. The collection was gifted to Bethel University in the later half of the 20th century.

Illustrated Pilgrim's Progress
This collection features illustrations from the 114 editions of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress held in the Library's Klingberg Puritan Literature Collection. These editions, printed from 1727 to the early 1900s, were donated from the personal library of John Eric Klingberg.