Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) offers a variety of resources through Confluence for the Bethel community.


Policies & Procedures


EHS provides training on campus as part of its mission to promote a safe and vibrant culture. These trainings are either facilitated in person or online via Moodle. We host trainings on the following topics for designated employees:

  • Bloodborne pathogens (Moodle video and quiz): Employees and supervisors potentially exposed to blood and body fluids  
  • Employee right-to-know and hazard communication (Moodle video and quiz): Employees routinely exposed to either chemical or physical hazards 
  • Asbestos awareness (Moodle video and quiz): Employees who perform housekeeping operations in areas where asbestos-containing materials (ACM) are present 
  • Confined spaces: Employees who enter confined spaces for job tasks
  • Fall protection: Employees exposed to fall hazards of four feet or greater
  • Hearing conservation: Employees exposed to noise levels above the OSHA action level
  • Lockout/tagout for authorized employees: Building maintenance personnel and equipment operators who de-energize machinery and enter hazard zones to conduct service or maintenance
  • Respiratory protection for mandatory users: Employees who are required to wear a respirator for certain tasks.

Request a training by contacting EHS Manager Jens Erickson at jens-erickson@bethel.edu.