Safety & Security
Building hours
Building hours are posted with the building's name and security contact at the entry points, as well as via the link below. Hours are subject to change for large events held on campus.
Visitor parking
Visitors are expected to observe Bethel's parking regulations.
During public access hours, guests and visitors are welcome to park in any of our commuter lots. The East Parking Lot and West Parking Lot will be easiest on the main campus, and the main lot is available at the Anderson Center.
After hours, guests may park in residential lots. Parking permits are required for all vehicles on campus overnight, defined as parking between 12 a.m. and 5 a.m. Community member “hosts” will need to contact Safety and Security for an overnight permit on behalf of their guest.
For additional information, find maps and directions to Bethel.
Visitors and campus access
Bethel University's employees and/or students who invite visitors to campus are considered hosts and must support their visitors' adherence to expectations by providing guidance on community behaviors, gatherings, meetings, and events.
Monday through Sunday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m., employees and students do not need to register guests and visitors. Outside these hours, community member hosts are responsible for facilitating building access for their guests.
Campus is closed between 9:30 p.m. and 6 a.m., and all visitors must be registered. Campus hosts can register guests on campus by completing the Visitor Registration Form below, or by calling 651.638.6000. Unregistered visitors will not be allowed to enter campus until a community member has been contacted, and visitors will be required to show Bethel or government-issued identification at the West gate in order to enter the campus.
Types of visitors may include:
- Guests coming to visit or pick up students
- Food delivery services (e.g. pizza, groceries, etc).
- Rideshare services such as Lyft, Uber, and other taxis will be allowed on campus.