Preparation for ministry at Bethel Seminary is “in the field.” We enhance the classroom learning experience with an internship that includes on-site support and mentoring.

Choose an internship site congruent with your vocational goals and aspirations. The following contexts represent some of the possibilities:

  • Pastoral experience in a church and parachurch organization
  • Chaplain service in long term care
  • Clinical Pastoral Education
  • Military Chaplaincy

Experience Requirements

MDiv students

As part of, or in addition to your responsibilities at the internship site, you are required to document:

  • 3 sermons, each evaluated by yourself and two observers
  • Experience in ritual care or the conduct of special services and ordinances
  • Experience in training or teaching
  • Experience in organizational leadership
  • Experience in Pastoral Care
  • Experience in Professional Development

MA in Ministry students

As part of, or in addition to your responsibilities at the internship site, you are required to document:

  • Experience in training or teaching
  • Experience in the organizational accountability system and decision-making process at the site
  • Experience in Pastoral Care
  • Experience in Professional Development

Clinical Pastoral Education fulfills internship requirements for both MDiv and MA programs, without the addition of the above-listed experiences.

Preparation and Registration

Preparation begins with degree planning. Work with your Student Success Advisor to develop a degree completion plan that includes fulfillment of prerequisites and proper timing of your internship.

Begin the following preparation steps a minimum of two academic terms prior to your planned start of internship:

  • Consult with the Director of Internship to explore potential internship sites and specific preparation steps.
    • Those hoping to do Clinical Pastoral Education for internship, plan to apply to CPE programs 6-9 months prior to the start of the internship (the earlier, the better).
    • Others plan to begin making applications or discussions with potential sites in accordance with the site’s timelines.
  • Register for and complete TL001 Vocational Assessments. Usually offered in Fall and Spring.
  • Complete your reflective work, including your Personal and Professional Development Plan.
  • Secure a site:
    • Make arrangements with a site, on-site supervisor, and off-site mentor.
    • Complete your Internship Agreement.
  • Schedule your Vocational Formation Interview with the Director of Internship and Placement, to review your reflective work, internship goals, and internship arrangements.
  • You will receive permission to register after successful completion of these steps.

Final Interview

Toward the end of the internship, all students take part in a final interview, to address spiritual, personal, vocational and placement issues related to their internship experience and vocational goals. Specifically, the interview will touch on:

  • The internship experience
  • The student's final evaluation
  • Internship goal achievement, per the student's Internship Agreement
  • Issues of Vocation and Call
  • Next steps in development and/or placement

Feel free to consult with the Director of Internship and Placement at any time during your degree program for assistance with your internship plans.