Many places will talk about community. Whether it's your neighborhood, church, or group of friends, community is a part of lifeand it's a part of life at Bethel.

Covenant for Life Together

At Bethel, our community is centered on our Covenant for Life Together. It highlights our values, but more significantly, it is our commitment to each other. We commit to discover the mind of Christ and to become like Christ and to live holy lives according to the values, expectations, and goals of the Kingdom of God.

Read Bethel's Covenant for Life Together


One of the great expressions of our faith and community commitments is chapel. As the focal point of spiritual life on Bethel's campus, Chapel brings us together to worshipas a whole community.

Each Chapel, we're pushed to grow in our faith by campus pastors and guest speakers who challenge us to think about what it means to be a Christian in today's complex world.

Learn more about Chapel

Affirmation of Faith

As an evangelical Christian university, Bethel is deeply committed to the evangelical faith-it's our history and our future. We're sponsored by the churches of Converge and have students, faculty, and staff from over 65 different denominations. What brings us together is our commitment to the core of our faith.

Read Bethel's Affirmation of Faith

Employee community at a glance

Here is a snapshot of our employee community.

  • 300+ faculty
  • 500+ staff
  • 65 denominations represented
  • 40% have worked at Bethel for over 10 years
  • 8% have worked at Bethel for less than one year