Whether beginning your teaching career or looking to take the next step, Bethel is a great place to teach. In addition to the benefits for all employees, teaching at Bethel provides a great opportunity to integrate faith and learning as you educate women and men for leadership, scholarship, and service.

Emphasis on Strong Teaching

The primary purpose of our faculty is to instruct. We're looking for faculty who are passionate about teaching and helping students develop a passion for life-long learning.

Robust Faculty Development

As you teach students to grow and learn, we hope you are doing the same. From orientation and mentoring for new faculty members to workshops on faith and learning integration and developmental teaching, our desire is to grow you as educators.

Grant and Research Support

Classroom learning is enriched through research and advanced study. There are several resources at Bethel to assist faculty members in applying for government and private grants. Additionally, we offer scholarships such as the Edgren Scholarship for undergraduate student and faculty pairs to conduct summer research.

Strong Liberal Arts and General Education

Bethel is committed to developing whole and holy people and this includes a well-rounded liberal arts curriculum for our undergraduate and adult undergraduate programs. In our College of Arts & Sciences, our general education program celebrates the importance of well-rounded students. Our program is:

  • Multidisciplinary. Students engage in courses from the arts and humanities, to the sciences, technology, and culture.
  • Interdisciplinary. Faculty across all departments participate in the Gen Ed program. In fact, many co-teach courses together.
  • Developmental. Our Gen Ed courses meet students where they are as they enter college and continue to challenge and expand our students as they grow and mature. What starts as Intro to the Bible for first-year students becomes Christians in Conflict as they prepare to graduate.
  • Integrate faith and learning. The Gen Ed program is designed to be the core foundation for faith and learning integration at Bethel. Students are challenged to think bigger about God and their faith, to see Christianity in a global context, and to explore works of art and faith.

Strong Partnership Between Academics, Campus Ministries, and Spiritual Life

If you spend any time at Bethel, you'll hear us talk about the "three-legged stool." This stool represents our view of educating women and men. Academicallyto be strong in the knowledge and skills needed for their field or discipline. Spirituallyto have a "storm-hearty faith." Sociallyto develop mature relationships with those around them. Each of these "legs" are crucial and without all three legs, our students would not be prepared for God's calling for them.

In our College of Adult & Professional Studies and Graduate School, we seek to partner academic and professional practice. Our faculty model a scholar-practitioner approach to life and learning. At Bethel Seminary, learning is enriched by scholars who have worked on several translations of the Bible, former and current pastors in the local church, and counselors who minister to the needs of hurting families and individuals.