Bethel Library
SPARK Institutional Repository
SPARK (Scholarship, Publishing, Arts, Research, and Knowledge) is Bethel's open access digital commons repository.
SPARK's purpose is to facilitate faculty scholarship, host student scholarship, and promote collaboration and open exchange in the pursuit of scholarly knowledge.
Our portfolio includes academic journals, articles, awards, books & book chapters, conference proceedings, and event posters.
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Bethel Faculty Scholarship
The Bethel Faculty Scholarship Collection has the scholarly works of Bethel University Faculty and Academic Staff across the institution including the College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Studies and the Seminary. As new publications and works are created they will be added to the collection.

Primetime video collection
The Primetime Presentations from 2023-2024 include the most recent recordings of presentations given in the Bethel University Library featuring Bethel's teaching, scholarship, and service activities.

Bethel community video collection
The Community Video Collection include older videos prior to 2023 academic year. These are recordings of presentations given in the Bethel University library featuring Bethel's teaching, scholarship, and service activities.
Youngblood biblical archaeology (Bethel community only)
This collection consists of images of maps and archaeological remains that illustrate the context of Biblical times photographed and arranged by Bethel Seminary professor Ronald Youngblood in the 1960s.