We desire to see those who work here, flourish here. One way to help people flourish is by providing training and professional development opportunities.

For individuals

LinkedIn Learning

Through your Bethel subscription, hundreds of courses are available for enhancing your career.

StrengthsFinder—individual assessment & coaching

Work with the Office of People and Culture (OPC) to see how to leverage your strengths in your role.

Cultural Intelligence (CQ) training

Access this free online course via Moodle to learn the fundamentals of CQ and take the CQ assessment.

MBA workshops—open to all who are interested

These workshops are open to all who are interested. Watch e-Announcements for registration information.

Group experiences

Early Career Group

For those who have entered the workforce in the last three years, this professional development group is designed to facilitate connection, provide training opportunities, and highlight career pathways for those interested in a career at Bethel.

If you would like more information on this group please provide your name and email address.

Administrative Support Group

For those in administrative assistant, office/department coordinator, executive assistant roles, this group will focus on implementing best practices for administrative support across the university. Employees who hold these roles are to participate in this professional development group.

Please provide your name and email address if you are not already receiving information about this opportunity.

StrengthsFinder workshops

These workshops are designed for a team to experience together. Learn about one another's strengths and discover how to work more effectively with one another. Supervisors should reach out to OPC to request a workshop. 

Team CQ experience

Learn more about team CQ sessions.

For Supervisors


Read more about this monthly training opportunity.

Courses for Credit

We're committed to the educational development of our employees. Benefits-eligible employees can enroll in Bethel courses for credit. You can even earn a degree. Check out our tuition benefit policy for details.